metafandom's Journal


31st August 2009

8:36pm: Monday, August 31, 2009

  • [info]mecurtin: Talking about who writes fanfic - As far as I know, I'm the only person who has even tried to collect stats on the universe of fanfic, and as you can tell I pretty much gave up a few years ago, because I didn't believe there was any way of getting good numbers. -

  • [info]jonquil: Harry Winston, tell me all about me! - A couple of evolutionary "cognitive neuroscientists" -- pause to make your saving throw against incoherent rage -- are turning their not-at-all-biased gaze on fanfiction. Fanfiction and GIRLS. Fanfiction and what it says about GIRLS PSYCHOLOGY AS DETERMINED BY THE EVOLUTIONS. They modestly comment, "First, let us say state clearly that we are not psychologists, nor are we cultural critics". -

  • eruthros: please don't take the fanfiction survey - They are outsiders to fandom. They are outsiders to fanfiction. They are outsiders to slash. And they haven't tried to learn, or to understand, or to think about fannish communities. Instead, they have made assumptions about who we are, about what we read, about what we find hot; they plan to use those to explain what makes women tick, what our brains make us do. -
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