metafandom's Journal


25th July 2009

1:38pm: Saturday, July 25, 2009

  • [info]rahirah: Voice - The bottom line is, voice is not something artificial that you impose upon a story from outside, or it shouldn't be. I's an organic outgrowth of the way you think and speak and write, polished up and made spiffy. -
    (tags: writing btvs)

  • [info]furiosity: If You've Got Nothing Nice to Say... - So we sort of veered into a mostly unstructured discussion of various topics...and participant-submitted index cards listing their number one fandom "don't" behaviours (i.e. things they feel Should Not Be Done by fen). -

  • [info]mariness: Readercon, final post: disability - The short version: Readercon made me feel like a freak. And not in a good way. -

  • [info]wordweaverlynn: Nightmare Con Experiences - I'm especially interested in issues of accessibility, but also curious about anything that makes a convention unwelcoming or miserable. -
    (tags: cons)

  • [info]pgdudda: Convention panel ideas - Because I am tired of the Token Disabilities Panel at cons: -

  • [info]karnythia: Fandom fail...the blackout Bingo edition - being invited in only to satisfy prurient interests (until you no longer satisfy them) and having your history co-opted when convenient isn't inclusive or welcoming. It's the same old bigotry dressed in a post-racial context free bow. -

  • [info]sunhawk: le's try to SEE this clearly - So okay, the SEE people want K/S for bigger reasons, to promote social equality, tha's a reason I can dig. But is it really necessary to focus on K/S to achieve that goal? I understand the fear that without choosing prominent characters, there is a risk that the writers might try to appease fans by making a token Red Shirt couple [...] but I still find the reasoning a little convenient, a little self-serving for K/S shippers. -

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