metafandom's Journal


8th July 2009

6:27pm: Wednesday, July 8, 2009

  • wistfuljane: In defense of Bandom - Of course, bandflesh is problematic and it's something that has been discussed many, many iterations before, but I firmly do not believe bandflesh should be blamed for the recent warnings implosion. -

  • skuf: Random meta thoughts from Sunday-Monday - This continues to be such a het issue to me! Have slash fans ever really vilified each other over preferring a different slash pairing? Since most (as in non-canon) slash pairings are equally not-gonna-happen, there's just not much to fight about. I do have some vague recollections about maybe some Snarry fans thinking H/D fans immature and silly (or actually, maybe that was just me before I discovered H/D, hahahaha), but I only remember that from around the time I entered fandom. So, do I glorify slash fans when I say we don't vilify each other in the same way? -
    (tags: fandom)

  • [info]writrgurl: My Failures As A Fan - Where did I fail as a fan? I forgot to remember that not everyone who has a different view on my favorite characters/ships are bad people. I forgot that just because I don't like what the production staff are doing with the characterization and the show, I'm not entitled to blame the actors for it. -
    (tags: fandom sv)

  • [info]curia_regis: Ayla's Mini-Guide to Fic Exchanges: How to Stalk Your Recipient - Most people enjoy writing and reading similar things. You could look through their rec lists. -
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