metafandom's Journal


27th June 2009

9:46pm: Saturday, June 27, 2009

  • stultiloquentia: I Warn for Sestinas - So. Warn for trauma in your fic headers, or make your general policy on warnings easy to find. Snarking about slippery slopes is distractionary; you're being asked to perform a simple social courtesy, not become somebody's parent. Avoid all semantic arguments and/or paragraphs that begin with the words, "Well, technically," use your noggin and try not to be an ass. -
    (tags: warnings)

  • twistedchick: Re fiction, et alia. [Wind in the trees] - The author's job is to write the story, not to cater to the reader's desires, whims, allergies, nightmares, phobias and difficulties. -
    (tags: warnings)

  • luminosity: An alternative to Imeem. - I'd like to offer up BAM Video Vault. . . . Comments are welcome! I'll do my best to answer questions. If I don't know the answer, I'll point you to someone who does. -
    (tags: vidding)

  • ivorygates: WARNING: I WILL NOT WARN - If you're that mentally and emotionally fragile, you probably shouldn't be reading fic at all. Or watching television. Or reading regular novels. And for god's sake, you'd better get off the internet right now. -
    (tags: warnings)

  • [info]emrinalexander: I've had clinical depression my whole life - I love any writer who is kind enough to put a summary, a warning, a pairing on their fics. It's wonderful and I thank each one of you who does this. I am so grateful because it makes my life just a little easier, it makes my ability to police my own fannish experience just a little easier to accomplish. Because, yes, I do try to police my own experience -

  • wistfuljane: Open Letter to Authors - Dear authors who are [confused/angry/frustrated/tired] of the pro-warning camp trying to force their case on fandom yet again in this round of Warnings Whatever '09 debate, -
    (tags: warnings)

  • [info]sarka: Here, have a deconstruction of my problems for the benefit of fandom.Warning: This post contains a discussion of mental health issues. May be triggery to some.

    Fandom was one of my escapes, in a situation where I was already having a hard time coping. I had just entered a fandom which was relatively new to me, so I was reading at a pretty voracious rate, especially because I had, frankly, very few things to do with my free time.//And then I read a story.

  • quillori: Warnings - * We condemn racist comments because we believe racism itself is wrong, not because we are worried some POC might stumble across it and feel hurt. No one is arguing (I certainly hope no one is arguing) that writing about traumatic subjects is in any way wrong, and surely no one thinks racism would be fine if only it were warned for so you could avoid reading it. -

  • hermitsoul: Following it through - A little 'advice' I've found in anti-warning posts. -
    (tags: warnings)

  • [info]cesperanza: Further updates on Blip and BAM - I wrote to some fair use/remix folks this morning who've been using Blip to host remix videos, and got really positive responses re: vidding and fair use and their experiences there. -

  • [info]vchrusch: [in vidding] Looks like Imeem is probably no longer vidder friendly - Well, is there any other sites that some of us can migrate to now? -
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