metafandom's Journal


21st June 2009

10:13pm: Sunday, June 21, 2009

  • [info]xparrot: black and white and read only in specific fan circles - But more than that, it seems like some ziners are perturbed by the thought that scholars and non-fans might be able to read their zines. [..] And I admit...this baffles me. -
    (tags: zines otw)

  • [info]iamtheenemy: Warnings and such - Expecting warnings for common triggery things like rape, death, incest or dubcon isn't priveleged, for fuck's sake. It's expecting some common courtesy from the community that we're all involved in. You know what is priveleged, though? Having the luxury to be able to complain about people needing warnings, because those specific issues don't trigger you personally. -
    (tags: warnings)
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