metafandom's Journal


19th June 2009

11:04pm: Friday, June 19, 2009

  • amalnahurriyeh: Salvador DaliĀ­ as Fanartist - But DaliĀ­ deliberately reworked pieces by artists he loved and was obsessed with, in order to uncover shades of hidden meaning or provide a hidden subtext or otherwise change and fuck with the meaning of the original work. He had something to say about those other paintings, and he figured out a way to say it. -
    (tags: fandom)

  • musesfool: hide your heart, girl - I was also thinking about threesomes yesterday, about writing them, and how for me they always seem to hinge on one member of the trio as the ...fulcrum, I guess would be the right word, or pivot - the point around which the relationship turns. -
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