metafandom's Journal


16th June 2009

2:34am: Monday, June 15, 2009

  • [info]meganbmoore: In which I ramble about THOSE subjects with no real central thought - So while you have a reaction to canon that can boil down to "I prefer the relationship between A/B to A/C because A/B are more equal to A/C" inequalities between the genders in your own writing, or perceptions in approaching canon (in my admittedly limited reading of fanfic, power imbalances between characters usually seemed to be far greater than they were in the canon) would seem to be based on internalized bias, not nature or anything about the way things "have" to be. -

  • [info]capriuni: Davros, Daleks, and Disability Again (Almost a year later) - So, with Davros in the picture, the Dalek mythos only perpetuates and reinforces the hierarchy of Ability and Personhood. The more able you are, the more you're a "real" person. -

  • accioslash: More Comments About...Comments - I've even gone so far as to rec something in my journal or on a list but not actually comment to the author. In the overwhelming majority of those cases it's because the author is someone I don't know or is in a non-HP fandom. I'm weird about commenting to people I don't know. -
    (tags: feedback)

  • [info]nellorat: LJ and Me Part II: Insidious Ideas - I think I agreed with those who grew to deplore my comments much, much more than we disagreed. However, both in the entries in RaceFail and in the entry on men & rape in cereta's LJ, a number of people seemed to hold a number of beliefs that I find not only wrong but also pernicious. -
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