metafandom's Journal


28th May 2009

6:57pm: Thursday, May 28, 2009

  • [info]scarletbaldy: So You Want To Write Fanfic? - This is something I posted on Haven as a reply to someone who was asking for tips on fic writing. It is, of course, X-F orientated, though I think most advice work for other fandoms. -
    (tags: xf writing fanfic)

  • [info]annerbhp: This is not the wank you're looking for. - Next time you find yourself thinking anything as exclusionary as “I don’t like–insert subset of identity here—characters because they are so poorly written,” do me a favor.  Ask yourself what really bothers you about all those female/black/gay/paralyzed/Jewish/Hispanic/transvestite characters, and consider that something beyond your conscious mind might be influencing it. -

  • [info]cryptoxin: Boricua, morena, dominicano, columbiano - she [Sotomayor] was district judge for Castle Rock, an important copyright case centered on an unauthorized Sienfeld trivia book which the publisher unsuccessfully defended as fair use. This guy (former counsel for FOX and NBC) seems to think, based on her ruling, "that copyright owners should have nothing to fear from, and should probably be quite pleased with, President Obama's pick." -
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