metafandom's Journal


14th May 2009

12:37pm: Missed posts from Wednesday, May 13, 2009
We're having crossposter issues this week and these slipped through without being posted. (This also accounts for the accidental repeats earlier in the week)

  • twtd: An open letter to femslash fandom - Go forth and find something different to write about. Go forth and bring me back something that I've never heard of before or thought of before and make me believe it. Go forth and give me something to think about. -

  • [info]fiction_theory: You're hurting my head again, SF/F - The past is not beyond the reach of people who are still getting smacked in the face by it -
    (tags: race writing)

  • willow: The Point Being Missed - Take the land, the trees, the geography, the food and the necessity due to elements etc of architecture - just leave out the people. -

  • willow: Forks - Rather than have a battle of the utensils, I'm going to officially convert some of my spoons, ala The Spoon Theory (PDF), into Forks. -
  • 5:46pm: Thursday May 14, 2008
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