metafandom's Journal


7th May 2009

9:49am: Wednesday, May 6, 2009

  • [info]rydra_wong: That OpenID thing - Strictly speaking, you don’t “get” an OpenID.//You already have one.//It’s not a separate account: it’s a mechanism for logging in on one site using your identity from another site. Think of it like a passport. -

  • wistfuljane: DON’T PANIC - I wish fandom is less dependent on a service so it wouldn’t matter where someone posts as long as they still interact with the rest of the community. I wish that fandom would stop equating one’s decision to stop using a service as meaning one has decided to stop interacting with the community. I wish posting stops being seen as the only form of interacting. Because in my view, that’s the significant reason for the Dreamwidth panic. -

  • [info]telesilla: it’s like rain on your wedding day* - Apparently it’s okay to dismiss/ignore copyright law when it’s, oh say, Acme Shark’s copyright on everything connected with the SG universe, but if it’s comments on an LJ being moved without your permission? OMG UR IN MAH COPYRIGHT VIOLATIN ME! -
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