metafandom's Journal


3rd May 2009

11:00am: Saturday, May 2, 2009

  • wintercreek: DW: live a life less ordinary - On the one hand, I love how word-of-mouth Dreamwidth is. People ask questions all over the place - here, on LJ, in comments, wherever! - and get answers, because that's the kind of community we are. On the other hand, I feel like there's a fair bit that's getting dropped. So here is my small contribution to DW knowledge for new folks -

  • alchemia: Representing Autism: Culture, Narrative, Fascination - There has been an incredible increase in contemporary narratives dealing with autism, but despite the books, articles, movies and television shows, there is still very little understanding about what it means to be autistic. -
9:11pm: Sunday, May 3rd, 2009
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