metafandom's Journal


24th April 2009

10:23pm: Friday, April 24, 2009

  • bzzinglikeneon: Looking at the bigger picture (Or, "Oh look, fandom is throwing a hissy again.") - I've read a lot of commentary on Dreamwidth over the past several months, both good and bad. With the bad, there's a lot of incorrect or misapplied information making the rounds; a lot of people having knee-jerk reactions and getting what amounts to really pissed off over something minor. -

  • copperbadge: For god's sake, brain, switch off. - Essentially, one needs to be aware that in most media, advertisers have a significant portion of control over the form and content of the shows/sites they support. Take away the advertisers, and it's the buyers who control the form and content, because they're the major revenue source. -

  • bethbethbeth: Won't someone think of the reccers? - No, it's not your job to maintain recs pages for reccers, and yes, some of you writers clearly wish your older stories would disappear from memory, and yes, some of my favorite authors have, themselves, disappeared (at least from fandom). However, for those of you who do have a stake in your stories continuing to be read, see what you can do to make it easy for the readers to find you and reccers to update their links. -
    (tags: archiving)

  • commodorified: Actual Fannish Content OMG - I cannot for the life of me imagine why the world is full of women[3] who are more-or-less erotically and creatively preoccupied with the fantasy that one really really good fuck from one really nice person with whom you are deepy and reciprocally in love can wipe out the effects of one or more traumatic sexual assaults, can you? -
    (tags: writing gender)

  • zvi: Crossposting and Locked Posts: A very careful operation - If you are//1. crossposting//2. posting locked entries//3. locking comments to Dreamwidth//then you need to manually grant access to your LJ-clone flists or warn people on LJ and its clones that you are a tool. One or the other. -
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