metafandom's Journal


16th April 2009

7:47pm: Thursday April 16, 2009

  • seperis: dreamwidth and you, extended - Is it elitist? Not exactly--its communal. The idea behind it--to test slowly, to bring people in slowly--also relates to those people bringing their people. It's an invite-meme. They bring people they know and trust over, and those people bring people they know and trust, and everyone is slowly and carefully seduced -

  • [info]giandujakiss: Dreamwidth musing - right now, I can friend someone, but they don't know if I'm leaving them out of my reading filters or posting to custom groups to which they haven't been added. Under the Dreamwidth system, however, I announce to people that I'm not reading their journals, or that they don't have access to my FLocked posts.//And that may not even be a problem, once we all get used to the new system. But the real sticking point, it seems to me, is that as accounts are transferred from LJ to Dreamwidth, suddenly people will find themselves with a different status relative to their old LJ friends. Like a big reveal. -
    (tags: lj dreamwidth)

  • the_shoshanna: on being a Dreamwidth optimist, and on commenting - As someone who is both optimistic about Dreamwidth and considering centralizing comments there, I wanted to talk about these two issues. -

  • [info]florahart: PSA regarding whiting out things you want someone to have to highlight to see. - So, I see this concept spreading more and more as a way of hiding spoilers, which I think is a nice and polite thing to be trying to do; however, a LOT of folks are doing it wrong... -
    (tags: howto spoilers)

  • xie_xie_xie: That which we call a headline with any other words would be as compelling - Then I said something else to her: that the show was really important to me on many levels, some of them very deep, and it was a bit distressing to me when I encountered people who took it very lightly, or just grooved on the hot boy sex and didn't think about it in its context at all -- even though of course, that's completely none of my business and even a little bit absurd. -
    (tags: fandom)

  • [info]greenlady2: [in slash_pov] Is There Such a Thing as the Slash Genre? - What I'm wondering is, what characterizes Slash that we don't find elsewhere? Is it just that there are two -- or more -- people of the same gender doing the horizontal tango? Or is there more, as there is more to music or to fantasy than what someone could describe in 20 words or less? -
    (tags: slash)

  • melannen: Leverage - I had just read through most of brown_betty's Leverage recs list, so you'd think I'd know which of the characters was black and which had long hair....But no. I had it not only wrong, but pretty much backward. -

  • [info]rilee16: Dreamwidth moves... - I do however think that for some people the quiet/lack of announcement is being done for the purpose of making a clean break with a minimum of fuss; DW has Granted Access and Subscribe features, the contents of which, to my knowledge, are public. A lot of people like to be able to friend/defriend at will without saying anything to the person on the other end of things -
    (tags: dw friends)

  • [info]afterthree: Some Thoughts On Amazonfail & Some Finalish Stats - I tend to think it was another one of those unintentional things that reflects underlying social privilege and inclination to misunderstand and misrepresent those things that are different from so-called mainstream. Having said that, it was uplifting to see so many ordinary people rise up so quickly and say: no, this is not acceptable, and this is why. -
    (tags: amazonfail)

  • [info]alixtii: Bisexuality and Fanfic - Or this seems like it could be linked to OTP-ism. Since one of the common tropes of OTP-ism is that all relationships pale in comparison to the OTP, of course Character A's real sexuality can only be that which pairs them with B. Since all relationships with the gender B isn't are by definition lesser, than A can't really be attracted to that gender. -

  • [info]dunmurderin: META: Bisexuality, Visibility, and Fanfic Labels, or, Being the Blue M&M: - My pet theory is that, in part, this has to do with how fandom labels fics with romantic/sexual pairings. As it stands, there are only two widely accepted labels for romantic/sexual pairing fics: Het and Slash, both of which tend to imply/reinforce monosexual portrayals/attitudes in fanfics. -
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