metafandom's Journal


9th April 2009

1:31am: Wednesday, April 8, 2009

  • [info]carodee: Meta: Warnings - Safe, Sane and Consensual - When I read fanfic and the warnings tell me I'm safe to do so, I love to open myself up completely, suspend disbelief and immerse myself in the emotional lives of characters I love. What happens to them is happening to me. As far as I'm concerned, this is the most profound pleasure of fanfic, the emotional safety I have to explore even difficult emotions in the hands of a writer I trust to get me through it without damage, without trauma, taking me to the edge responsibly and maybe even sticking around afterward while I recover. -

  • [info]cupidsbow: The Gumby's Guide to Vidding by cupidsbow - I've made two-and-a-half vids since then, and while I don't pretend to be an expert at vidding yet, I have managed to answer some of my first-time gumby questions through trial and error; so I thought I'd put together a very basic guide that includes those hard-won facts. I'm also going to list the software I use, which is mostly freeware, shareware or cheapware for the PC. -
    (tags: vidding howto)

  • skuf: April Posting Pact Meta Post the Firste: Dreamwidth's Subscribe/Grant Access To and You - Are you automatically going to grant access to everyone you have friended now? Or are you going to take a long, hard look and make the split right away? -

  • [info]jennem: Spoilers & Fandom Netiquette: OR, LIVEJOURNAL UR DOIN IT RONG! - Your journal, your space. You're free to write whatever the hell you want in it. But, don't be surprised when people call you on your shitty behavior and poor manners. Because on livejournal, your space gets incorporated into my space. That is, afterall, what its all about. -

  • [info]nextian: don't stop believing, hold on to that feeling - Having used the OTW's (Organization for Transformative Works') various services for some months now, I wanted to write up a review of their projects. -
    (tags: otw)
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