metafandom's Journal


2nd April 2009

12:43am: Wednesday, April 1, 2009

  • [info]twtd: Life Begins at Forty Meta: Soap Operas and Sexism - There are lots and lots of women. And by lots, I mean the cast is roughly split 50/50. This seems like a really trivial thing but if you look at most programing, particularly network programing, you're lucky if the ratio is two to one, men to women. Don't you just love that in programing directed at women, they give you so many more female characters it actually adds to to oh, what the population actually is (roughly)? -

  • [info]thefrogg: Writing vs. World building - Does anyone else ever have this problem, when building the world becomes more addictive than doing anything with the result? -
    (tags: writing sga sg1)

  • [info]chasingtides: Biphobia: It's What's For Dinner - When you write the slash fic where either or both of the male characters have canonical female love interests, think of the possibility that your character might be not-monosexual, rather than a closeted gay character. When someone points out that a person or a character exhibits bisexual behavior - for example, Lord Byron or Ianto Jones - think before you jump on that person. When you are in a place of fannish discussion, think before you espouse biphobic stereotypes. -

  • xie_xie_xie: Protecting your fannish privacy in the age of social media - My suggestion is to adopt a policy of complete email address and username separation from that moment on, clean up the connections as much as possible, and hope no one looks for you until enough time has passed that the connections will have become much, much less findable. -
    (tags: privacy)

  • zvi: How do *you* get a Dreamwidth? - I've seen some slightly alarming misconceptions about how to obtain a Dreamwidth account, so let me just clear this up a bit. -

  • zarhooie: Why Dreamwidth - DW is a fresh start.//Yes, I've imported my old LJ entries, and yeah, I'm going to be trying to convince as many of my LJ friends as I can to move over to DW, but on the whole, DW is a brand new adventure. The chapter of my life that spawned my devotion to LJ is over and a new chapter was started a while ago. I just haven't had anywhere to move... until now. -
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