metafandom's Journal


20th March 2009

10:46pm: Friday, March 20, 2009
11:18pm: Thursday, March 19, 2009

  • [info]moondancerdrake: Today's Frustration - This is why when white writers say it's too hard to write CoC, too risky, that these words upset us. They're the ones out there with the sizable readerships, with the big contracts, with the ability to make a positive change so our children don't have to grow up without characters they could look up to in spec fic. -

  • [info]celli: an ode to happily-ever-after - One of the things that I blame on reading category romances since the seventh grade (adulthood means not having to hide them from your mother) is that I am something of a connoisseur of the happily-ever-after. And by "connoisseur" I mean "hello, I am super picky." -
    (tags: reading)

  • xie_xie_xie: Luring our muses back when they have wandered off - If you're happy, healthy, and in good spirits and shape and still can't write, then yes, your muses probably are at that very moment trying to use your credit card in an exotic foreign city and you're stuck. // This is how you lure them back early -
    (tags: writing fanfic)

  • [info]such_heights: racefail '09 - some thoughts, some links - Wait, what is RaceFail? I hear you cry. Because not everyone catches everything that happens on the internet, and fair enough. -
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