metafandom's Journal


18th March 2009

7:48pm: Wednesday, March 18, 2009

  • [info]themostepotente: A Reccer's Rant - People get hate mail for a lot of reasons.//Me, I get it for reccing.//Okay, so maybe 'hate mail' is a bit strong. Shall we say 'reccing critiques?' -

  • [info]bethbethbeth: Everyday Cultural Appropriation - Possibly the most problematic thing about Cultural Appropriation is that it's not always obviously offensive...from the outside. -
    (tags: culture)

  • gobsmacked: [in fandom_discuss] I know we often discuss MarySue/Mary Stus - What exactly makes people dislike MarySues so much? -
    (tags: fanfic marysue)

  • lizzypaul: [in fandom_discuss] Fanfic writing vs. original writing: - Do you believe that writing fanfic has helped your writing of original fiction, harmed it, or a combination of both? -
    (tags: fanfic writing)

  • [info]jonquil: It's only Livejournal - If a widely-read poster, like coffeeandink or ktempest, joins or begins a controversial conversation, it propagates fast, to her friends, her friendsfriends, people who argue with her friends and her friendsfriends, and so on. The discussion probably does not propagate outside Livejournal, because it's more work to link into an outside blog from LiveJournal, and because outside bloggers don't have the existing Livejournal skills or investment to track a conversation that's peer-to-peer multicast. -

  • [info]hesychasm: frustrated by fail? - I have no problem with white people talking about how painful and difficult they find the work of anti-racism to be, or even questioning some of the assumptions of anti-racism, and in fact I think it's a very good and necessary way for white people to do this work at all; on the other hand, I can see why POCs think it "derails" the conversation, because it adds that many more words and thoughts into an already crowded field, so that they feel like their own perspectives are being pushed aside. -

  • [info]helsmeta: Constructive stuff from RF09 (written on two hours of sleep) - One thing that I'm kind of boggling about when it comes to people saying "can't we all just shut up about RaceFail '09 already" is that it totally discounts the incredibly valuable stuff that's come out of it. -
    (tags: racefail09)

  • [info]brown_betty: Dear racefail apologists - Please stop making the argument from capitalism. It is so dumb it causes my brain to attempt to flee my skull and look for shelter[...]//What I think1 you think you think you're saying: "That's the way the world is, there's no sense getting upset about it."//What you are actually saying, no really: "Anything that makes a profit is okay with me!" -

  • [info]spiralsheep: In which it's not my job to educate you - it's an unfortunately common experience among non-white people who talk about anti-racism in public (and, frankly, even if we don't*) that some individuals feel entitled to demand our attention as their personal educator. Sometimes those demands are intended to be in good faith and originate from people who want to learn (or, at least, believe they want to learn) but sometimes those demands are bad faith argumentativeness for the purpose of putting down either the non-white person whose attention is being demanded or anti-racism in general or both. -

  • [info]resonant8: Let's pretend we're all alike: a white Southerner's story about race - In online discussions of race, when people say, "I'm colorblind. I don't see race," sometimes there's something frantic about it, an underlying fear. And I always wonder whether here, too, is a white person whose good, liberal parents taught them that the only safe thing to do with race was pretend it didn't exist. -

  • [info]acrimonyastraea: Warning: Unapproved Tone Within - STOP SAYING "WE" WHEN YOU MEAN YOU AND OTHER IGNORAMI. -

  • [info]antarasheart: cogitatione, verbo, et opere - I do completely and honestly believe that anyone can have a bad moment at the wrong moment and act a fool and it's not indicative of their central nature, per se. At the same time, I see a lot of people get excused for their bad behavior because we want to feel good about them and our choice of them as friends, lovers, allies, fans, what have you and their behavior is indicative of certain core faults that I don't know if they should be forgiven or that the person really does deserve a second chance. -

  • [info]wychwood: but then she and her ex are thrown together for a friend's wedding-in the unknown reaches of Mars! - In fanfic there's generally an attempt to keep everyone involved in the endeavour - there's a great SGA NASCAR fic in which the characters are drivers and mechanics and car designers and pit crew and management and and and... they all have a slot there. Harlequins don't bother with that. Maybe it's not what the readers want[...]But for me as a reader, it's unsatisfying -

  • [info]spacehawk: [in exp_horizons] Change Is Coming To Fandom - On the issue of cultural appropriation, where all this discussion started, the central disconnect I am seeing in the genre is between "this is supposed to be fiction" and authentic cultural representation. -
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