metafandom's Journal


16th March 2009

11:24pm: Monday, March 16, 2009

  • [info]rdphantom: Vidding, fanfic and commercialism - I've previously been very excited at the prospect of vids gaining widespread acclaim because I want everyone to love them like I love them. But I'm starting to understand that even if we aren't sued out of existence we could be manipulated and censored into something that doesn't resemble us anymore. -

  • [info]elusis: Calendar girls: white women, this one's for you? - Gender critiques and race critiques of SF/F are not identical. They do not have identical histories or contexts or impacts on the participants and witnesses.//But 20 years ago, I distinctly remember how salient and how painful the subject of gender in my favorite genre was for me as a young woman. I remember how hard it was, even on computer BBS discussion boards, to get anyone to take a gender critique of our favorite authors and artists seriously. -

  • [info]pantryslut: OK, make that two statements on RaceFail '09 - In ongoing discussions of racism, it is a grave error to mistake protestations of white guilt -- even if they look like "loyalty oaths" to some eyes -- as reactions to an actual concrete solicitation for said oath. In my experience, such expressions, even in sudden quantity, are usually spontaneous and unprompted.//(Or, to be succint: just because you see someone offering something that looks like a loyalty oath doesn't mean that anyone demanded it of them.) -

  • [info]2ce: Maybe I'll be a Southron of Harad Someday - So there's the first thing you need to know about RF09: it is big. (No, please don't run away.)//Furthermore, it is an honest-to-God hypertext.[...]here are a great many conversations happening at once -

  • [info]popelizbet: This Isn't Magic: An Alternate Look at the Timeline - RaceFail 2009: An Alternate Look at the Timeline -
    (tags: racefail09)
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