metafandom's Journal


5th March 2009

9:45pm: Thursday, March 5, 2009

  • oyceter: RaceFail '09: This hurts us all - the divide between SF book fandom, particularly the segment that is directly involved in the publishing industry, and SF media fandom exists, and as a whole, SF book fandom has had more professional power in terms of the publishing industry, more men, and probably more white people. It's not some accident or random twist of fate that created this divide. -

  • vito_excalibur: Shetterly & Cramer: Once More, With Failing - I am glad as hell that I see my Wiscon friends around seeing and knowing and thinking thinky thoughts about what is going on. I love one con, just one, and I think this is an excellent sign that it's not one of the aspects of sf that's going to disappear under the weight of its own irrelevance. But when I see people bemoaning the fact that the market for SF is shrinking, I laugh. Angrily. Because it's funny, but I love sf, and y'all are choking it. -
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