metafandom's Journal


23rd February 2009

11:37pm: Monday, Febuary 23, 2009

  • [info]wistfuljane: Expected post is expected - Then there are warnings and other extraneous information. Some newsletters like to warn for character death, non-con, dub-con, violence, etc. etc. or for spoilers and canon compliance. Most newsletters nowadays and especially in big fandom do no like to provide warnings because it means extra works, but some newsletters do. This is a common practice in Harry Potter fandom, especially, and in Television fandom, spoilers warning are especially common. -

  • [info]angiepen: Newsletter Drama - I have my own preferences, and my own ideas about what the perfect set-up and intro to my stories might be, and that's how I set up my headers. [...] If some readers who disagree with me about what a perfect set-up and intro is can find my stories through some other venue which provides a different framework which those readers prefer -- cool! -

  • [info]ithiliana: Recent Newsletter Kerfuffle (LOTRiPS) - And it all comes down to this: I can make any comment I want or apply any label or print any spoiler about somebody's fic and those actions in no way affect their intellectual property rights. -
    (tags: labels)

  • [info]worldserpent: Lack of popularity of translated works and other thoughts - In other words, say I make this post, and you can tag it as "fandom meta" and other people can easily see what you have tagged it when viewing this post, [...] but what if you tagged it as "rampant stupidity"? Uh oh. -
    (tags: labels tags)

  • [info]settiai: Embarrassment Squick - Over the years, I've seen quite a few people on LJ bring up their "embarrassment squick" from time to time. There have been lots of posts on the subject, and recently I've been wondering just how common it really is. -
    (tags: squicks)

  • [info]wendelah1: Real Person Friction - I like mean stories, sometimes. But mean-spirited RPF just crosses that line for me. It's worse than gossip or tabloids, because the actors or rock musicians or politicians can't defend themselves against it. -
    (tags: rpf xf)

  • [info]wendelah1: I'm left, you're right, she's gone - Apparently, I now enjoy reading about real people whose lives are so distant from my own that they might as well be fictional characters, which does help explain why I am so uncomfortable with RPF about David and Téa. And why I really don't want to read RPF that in any way involves my President, whether with his wife, his chief of staff or even Special Tramp Dana Scully. -
    (tags: rpf xf)

  • [info]ontogenesis: Abbreviated Meta (Characterization In Fanfiction / Hikago Thoughts) - When I'm writing a chapter, especially with a character whose POV I haven't written before, or a character I'm weak with, I'll reread or rewatch the source material obsessively. [...] so when I'm writing a character, I'll often go through my scans and save key scenes to that character's folder. Key scenes being scenes that give me information about the character's manner of speaking, interacting, walking, gesturing, etc. -

  • [info]amalnahurriyeh: In Which Amal Puts Her Philosophy Teacher Hat On - I have thoughts on both topics, but this isn't about the substance of either sets of claims/arguments. Instead, it's about the way we argue, the way we have these conversations, and what can come of them. -
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