metafandom's Journal


5th February 2009

6:57pm: Thursday February 5, 2009

  • [info]sailorptah: Please warn for violins and explicit sax - I was going to a long rambly navel-gazing post on shifts in fic-writing over time, until I noticed the sad lack of tickyboxes in my life recently. -
    (tags: poll fanfic)

  • xie_xie_xie: The actor thing - When people watch Queer as Folk and see Gale and Randy instead of Brian and Justin, and talk about the scene that way, it makes me feel that they don't care about the characters [...] They're getting off on watching two men fucking (or, in this case, fake-fucking), and [...] not because of the emotional or dramatic eroticism of what's happening with the characters. -
    (tags: qaf slash rpf)
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