metafandom's Journal


3rd February 2009

12:49am: Monday, January 2, 2008

  • [info]miriam_heddy: Some thoughts on the impossibility of opting out of the economy of privilege - An effective white anti-racist is not an ex-racist or a never-been-racist but instead is a racist who finds racism problematic enough to work against the privileges that systemic racism offers white people at the expense of recognizing the humanity of PoC. -

  • [info]kuangning: if you can't write anything good ... - From where I'm sitting, Levine still has the same three choices he started with: he can write non-white characters well, he can write them badly, or he can choose to not write them at all. -

  • [info]chopchica: tnh: the fail years - What matters here is that [info]tnh's words do not match her actions. She describes people disagreeing with her as "arguing in bad faith" - while still allowing her friends to reply nastily to somebody who has been silenced and cannot defend themselves. She talks about moderating comments and tracking IPs, which in her world, means that comments disagreeing with her are deleted while racist trolls are allowed to stay. -

  • [info]eumelia: It happens every day - What's really been shocking is the total lack of perspective and how unwilling people are to listen to those who actually do know what racism is, seeing as racism actually affects their lives every day. -

  • [info]staubundsterne: I'm rambling a little over here before I go over there - I also object to the division between the "old" definiton of racism and this "new" one because it constructs a dichotomy between good and bad White people, between evil racists who deserve to be called racists and the well-meaning rest of us, who've lived in their bubble of white privilege -

  • [info]tielan: collection of useful links - I don't believe that anyone that I interact with on this blog is a racist. (If you are and just haven't shown your colours yet, the unfriending button is there, please use it.) I think you are wonderful, lovely people with whom I have shared some of the best times of the last eight years.//That does not preclude you saying stupid things, perpetuating racist behaviours and perceptions, or hiding behind your privilege. -

  • [info]kynn: Something defensive white authors are missing - Simply writing bad stuff but then listening and learning when people criticize your work will not make you the punching bag of anti-racism activists. It's only when you open your damn mouth and whine about how mean and unfair those POC are that you confirm yourself not as a white person who made a mistake, but as a privileged, stupid Whitey who doesn't give a fuck if you don't Get It. -

  • [info]deconcentrate: in the war on flame - I will hurt you, if I have to - if it makes you stop. I'm running out of oxygen here, and I'd rather risk the fire than die for sure. My safety is more important than making you happy. It's not my responsibility to teach you anything about me. But I will give you it all with both barrels if that's what it takes. I will risk it. -

  • branchandroot: Femslash: cross it up - I think part of the reason for this trend in my own writing is that the f/f pairings tend to have hidden stories. You have to dig for them, for the possibilities, for the way these two women might interact. Rukia/Orihime, for example, has marvelous possibilities, but none of them are obvious because the two of them don't interact enough in canon to create a strong template. Most of my m/m, on the other hand, comes out of dynamics that are pretty much shoved up the viewer/reader's nose. -
    (tags: anime femslash)

  • xie_xie_xie: Meanwhile out in Greater Fandom... - I'd hate to think that gay men see slashers as the same as salivating straight guys watching fake lesbians have fake sex while wearing fake nails, because they're not. But right now, I'm thinking it is kind of a fetishization. I don't know... -
    (tags: slash)
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