metafandom's Journal


30th January 2009

8:46am: Links for 1-28-2009
7:17pm: Friday, January 30, 2009

  • alias_sqbr: Why do we femslash? - Also I think femslash taps into the part of my brain that still sees intense friendships with other girls as the most significant form of relationship (Anne/Diana from "Anne of Green gables" was a major OTP when I was a kid though I didn't think of it that way). -

  • mofic: Is M/M Slash Like Pseudo-Lesbian Porn Produced for Straight Men? - I offer the following general differences between male consumers of pseudo-lesbian porn and female consumers of slash -
    (tags: slash)

  • lothy: Summaries: a guide to writing them - This is unfortunate, as summaries are the single most important factor in getting readers to look at your story. Every story needs a title, but how much do most titles reveal about the plot? Pairings are important, but when there's 2,000 other stories out there with the exact same pairing, the readers need a way to choose which one to spend their time on. -
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