metafandom's Journal


16th January 2009

7:54pm: Friday, January 16, 2009

  • miriam_heddy: The Lone Jew in Fandom - If Don is, in Numb3rs, the Lone Jew, that's not at all unusual. If you've been in fandom awhile, you might remember the old, "Is Blair Sandburg Jewish" question and, before that, the "Is Starsky Jewish?" question. In both of those shows, fans debated the question of the character's Judaism, and in both of those shows, the character was isolated in that (possible) Jewish identity--and his isolation from it was part and parcel of why non-Jewish fans were so unwilling to accept that these characters were, in fact, Jewish. -

  • wendelah1: Real Person Friction - If I haven't done anything wrong, then why do I feel so damn guilty? If no one has been hurt, then why do I feel so sad? Not only do I not have any answers, I'm not sure if I'm even asking the right questions. -
    (tags: fanfic rpf)

  • emily_shore: Don't think twice, it's all right: ten easy excuses for RPF writers - So I thought it was time for an only half tongue-in-cheek look at the top ten RPF writer justifications. Some of these arguments are mine; some aren't. All are interesting, potentially valid and worth discussing. Even if I may seem a little flip about some of them. -
    (tags: rpf fanfic)
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