metafandom's Journal


9th January 2009

7:45pm: Friday, January 9, 2009

  • catalenamara: Fannish Migration - This post did make me think about how I've gotten involved with various fandoms over the years and how much or how little influence the tastes of various friends have had on my decision to watch the source material and become further involved in fandom.//I was going to set up a poll, but then I realized I'd have a hard time answering "Yes" or "no" to my own questions. -

  • [info]xie_xie_xie: Rape in QAF fanfiction - The bottom line is that it's not really rape in fiction or fanfiction per se that I'm questioning, but the motivations we have in using it in a story and whether we really have the skill to navigate that minefield and not fall into cheapness, cliche, and exploitation or, as it's often called, bad!fic. -
    (tags: fanfic trope)

  • seperis: so perhaps i like the idea of a blind cliff and a long jump - I like the Lemming Method. I am a fan of the Lemming Method. If I could somehow acquire my own personal charisma machine and pimp everyone by sheer strength of personality into whatever fandom I'm in? I would be doing that for every damn fandom I have. I mean, sure, if you want, let divine intervention lead you to that very special text, but you know what? I found a much faster way to discover what I love. -
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