metafandom's Journal


23rd December 2008


  • [info]rahirah: On Fluff - Many readers love fluff. But it’s often been said that writing fluff will get you lots of comments, but no respect. Ironically, one of the reasons that this is so is that fluff is like haiku - easy to write, difficult to write well. Writing domestic scenes takes just as much skill as writing action or romance or mystery does, but many writers make the mistake of assuming it takes less. As a result, there is a lot of bad fluff out there. Poorly executed fluff will ruthlessly expose a writer’s weaknesses. -
    (tags: fanfic writing)

  • [info]jedifreac: Sad, Racist, or Firebendingly Hillarious? - Young, East Asian, South Asian, Southeast Asian, Inuit, Aborigine, Pacific Islander, First Nations/American Indian, and other assorted brownish actors just can’t compete with the photogenic looks and amazing talent of Jesse McCarthy’s Beautiful Soul. -
    (tags: fandom race)

  • [info]bossymarmalade: i am furious (yellow) - There’s this assumption that white people can play anything (with a good enough tan or tape to make their eyes slanty or putty to make their noses hooked) and it should be okay. Whereas PoC (even if they’re like Katrina Kaif and straight-up pass for white) do not get this privilege. -
    (tags: fandom race)

  • [info]vejiicakes: Who do I have to blow to get some representation around here?? - HOW do you establish a fictional canon based on an amalgamation of real Asian cultures and local costume and written language and art and religion/spirituality on a massive, world-encompassing scale and tell me those people aren’t most appropriate to be played by Asians? -
    (tags: fandom race)

  • [info]glockgal: AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER (Be Proactive) - I debunk common defensive/dismissing/condescending/uninformed comments about The Last Airbender movie getting an all-white cast. -
    (tags: fandom race)

  • [info]tablesaw: Fear of a Black (Fantasy) Planet - The casting for the live-action version of Avatar: The Last Airbender has been announced. See if you can spot a problem -
    (tags: fandom race)

  • [info]glockgal: AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER - EW released the casting of the upcoming Avatar movie, and the main cast of Asian-influenced/Inuit-influenced/PoC characters have all been slated as white actors. -
    (tags: fandom race)

  • [info]ithiliana: *gazes at you sternly over bifocals*: My Female Gaze! - By Jungian, I mean it sounds awfully like an attempt to shove every peg into the same size hole (or have every hole engulf every different peg), to arrive at some sort of faux-universalist theory, even though scads of individuals disagree every step of the way. -
    (tags: gender fanart)

  • [info]wemyss: On the responsibilities of writers: Responses to comments - I continue to maintain that it is not anyone’s duty in her capacity as a writer to tick off boxes of who might be even inadvertently offended by something she writes. -
    (tags: writing)
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