metafandom's Journal


26th October 2008

10:51pm: Sunday, October 26, 2008

  • [info]karadin: Twenty Ways To Keep Fandom Fun - 1. Remember we were all newbies once, have some tolerance, gain more friends. -
    (tags: fandom)

  • [info]cereta: Because I'm just pissed off enough - I am fairly certain that if I put out a cry for Wincest to be put behind filters, or better yet, to just be kept to yourself, leave the fandom if you don't like it! I'd be run out on a rail. And rightly so. I make my choices, and I live with them. But don't turn around and tell me that I'm ruining fandom for you with the discussions I want to have. You have all the same choices I do. -
    (tags: aca spn fanac)
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