metafandom's Journal


1st August 2008

2:41pm: Friday, August 1, 2008
Ed. note: Today's edition incorporates some earlier links that were mislaid because of issues with and its version upgrade. If you see duplicates here, my apologies!

  • queenzulu: The True Difference - Do you know how I have managed to learn new things? Because of fans[...]The OTW is following in this tradition of generosity. They may not have their archive up and running yet, but that is because they are teaching fen how to make it. -
    (tags: fandom otw)

  • princessofg: still pondering... - Is it difficult to find betas? Have you had trouble hooking up with betas that suit you? If you have a great beta, how did you find her? -

  • azurelunatic: Friending! - Friends on LJ ... Friending Rules and How to Find Them -
    (tags: LJ)

  • heidi8: Law School Exam Hypothetical of the Day - Do you think that the Scrabulous creators - who are fans of the Scrabble game (which is protected by copyright and trademark laws), who created something similar and yet with strong and obvious differences - should have removed their game as soon as Hasbro asked them to? -
    (tags: poll copyright)

  • slwatson: Laura Hale "Apologizes" - Is some of this reply and anger related to my own bitterness? Absolutely. You bet I'm a bit bitter. Not all-consuming, but sure. See, I bought her story, hook, line and sinker -

  • nestra: Laura Hale has posted a statement on FanHistory's blog - I don't find her explanations and apologies credible. I know she's taken information from friends-locked posts. I know she's repeatedly reverted edits that outed fans even after being informed of the problem. -

  • [info]randomsome1: Math is ugly. - Is fandom massively spazzing out over, or the membership dues paid to an essentially dead organization, or any of the other half-dozen things that are making money off fans/fanworks? No, they'd currently rather be piling on Fanhistory -

  • synecdochic: Internet business numbers for the layperson - So, thanks to several simultaneous issues going around, there are a number of people who are pointing at various internet properties that "fandom" uses and trying to place a valuation on them: how much money they're bringing in, what their operating costs -
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