metafandom's Journal


28th July 2008

9:46pm: Monday, July 28th, 2008

  • [info]resolute: Fridging - I write fan fic, and I try to write dramatic fan fic in which events occur. And I have a concern about the WiR trope, because I kill female characters all the time. -
    (tags: writing fanfic)

  • [info]flambeau: writing about writing - This isn't about tailoring your fiction to some theoretical ideal, though, or about making the most popular choices. You should do what you like to do, write what you want to write. -

  • [info]jonquil: A-G-E-N-C-Y - A woman shows up in the plot. She has her own point of view, her own goals, and her own actions. She acts; some of her acts succeed, some fail. Her actions are sensible; they are neither selfish nor essentially irrelevant to the plot. -
    (tags: gender)

  • [info]infiticus: Fanhistory Outs Fans Personal Information - I have always been a proponent of never being ashamed of any part of my life, but that doesn't necessarily extend to wanting people in my day to day life to be reading explicit sex I've written. -
    (tags: fandom privacy)

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