metafandom's Journal


22nd July 2008

2:09pm: Tuesday, July, 22nd 2008
We've made some changes to our FAQ, and welcome the community's opinion on these decisions. Specifically:

20. Are there any other guideline I should know about before submitting a link?
Yes. Metafandom is about building community and facilitating conversations. It's not about bullying other fen because they disagree with you. Links to posts that "out" fans or that we feel otherwise act contrary to our goals will be removed. Knowingly editing linked posts, or link bombing metafandom posts to maliciously connect real life and fannish identities will result in banning from Metafandom. Period. Be cool with each other, mmmkay?

Further, starting with tomorrow's post, we will change our default settings to screen comments. We hope this will be temporary. Links are still welcome and appreciated, and still can be left as comments to our posts, however we do not want to be used to promote agendas that we feel are contrary to the metafandom ethos.

  • [info]twtd: Post Int'l Day of Femslash meta - So, the International Day of Femslash was yesterday. I'm betting that most people in fandom didn't know that. -

  • [info]zillah975: No, seriously. - One of the things I'm really freakin' tired of is this specious idea that there is some universal standard of "CIVILITY" that we ALL JUST KNOW and if we'd ALL JUST ABIDE BY IT everything would be peaches and sunshine. -
    (tags: fandom)

  • [info]villainny: On actor interactions - The key thing, though, is that we must allow the actors to establish their own comfort zones with this. It's awesome to have Joe tease the McSheppers, even if he's not aware exactly that that's what he's doing, but asking David Hewlett to buy into and dir -

  • [info]telesilla: Sit down, suck it up and STFU - 2. Stop privileging one form of fannish participation above others. Reviews and rec lists are as legitimate a form of fannish activity as making videos or art, or writing.

  • [info]karjack: Deconstructing Dr. Horrible. - I suspect that, amusing moments aside, what I liked about it is precisely what a lot of the folks (including myself) who didn't like it hated. I think it was fairly biting social commentary, and I wonder how many people even realized they were being bitte -

  • [info]zvi_likes_tv: How I Want Fandom To Be, by zvi - I believe that defining fandom civility such that it is impossible to offer critical advice ]...] to a stranger also precludes an environment in which fanfiction can be publicly discussed among the readers of it. -

  • [info]nakeisha: Canon or fanfic - If you had to choose between watching/reading/listening to your main fandom(s) canon or writing fanfic based on it, what you choose? -
    (tags: fanfic poll)

  • [info]queenzulu: Not really the answer to a meme. - What I love about stories is storytelling. And my characters are constantly telling stories: to themselves, to the people around them. -
    (tags: writing house)

  • [info]seekergeek: Thoughts on concrit - Which brings us to the next part. Concrit is difficult to receive. It is easy to get hurt by accident. A person who is hurt may have a hard time getting out of that hurt headspace into one that is willing to listen to a justification of what was said. Or -
    (tags: concrit)

  • [info]cschick: On Internet Privacy . . .Welcome to the Internet, folks. The Internet, designed for redundancy, designed so that NOTHING EVER DIES. Designed so that information is preserved in the wider somewhere, and that someday, someone will be able to find it.
    (tags: privacy)

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