metafandom's Journal


18th July 2008

2:53pm: Friday, July 18, 2008

  • elynross: Um. Okay. - I... am really boggling at the number of people who still seem to believe that 1) fanfiction/fandom is hidden/in the shadows/underground/secret/not readily available in millions of google hits, or that 2) fanfiction is still primarily something subversive -
    (tags: fanfic otw media)

  • alizarin_nyc: Support Systems Go - How do you really feel about feedback? No really, you can tell me. Here in this public post no one will judge you. At least not to your face!//How important is it to have support or to be a support system for each other? -

  • cereta: Oh, look, it's another "been brewing" post - Of course, the standard answer is that that little girls will watch movies/read books/etc with male protagonists, and little boys won't do the reverse. I'm pretty much ready to call bullshit on that, -
    (tags: gender media)

  • penknife: It's those pervy aliens again. - The thing about having Aliens Make Them Do It is that it's a temporary fix, which is fine if what you want is PWP or humor. If you seriously want to get the couple together permanently, though, there's still the question of the original reason they weren' -
    (tags: fanfic writing)

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