metafandom's Journal


30th May 2008

8:22pm: May 30, 2008

  • hederahelix: An Open Letter to Rachel Moss and the Rest of WisCon 32 - What people are hurt and angered most by is that someone paid $45 in membership and came into the con with what appears to be the express intent to mock the congoers. And that she saw nothing wrong with posting that mockage to a hateful website.

    (tags: cons feminism)

  • destroyerzooey: Statement - I am opposed to the publisher Tokyopop. They have this new Manga Pilot program. It's a thing where you come up with a great idea, [...] The contract for this fun deal is horrible, draconian, ridiculous. -

  • the_sweet: Sirius bizniss. - This concept of crediting the people who originally create something is not NEW. People have been using disclaimers to supposedly fend off hoards of evil lawyers frothing at the mouth for decades. Disclaimers don't really stop lawyers from issuing C&Ds if -

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