metafandom's Journal


26th May 2008

11:36pm: Monday, May 26, 2008

  • [info]txvoodoo: Does fandom expect too much? - The essence of it: "(there are) potential problems (with) analyzing most TV shows to a level that the writing probably can't support," including getting a week or so to write an episode and the strict conditions of the networks and so on. Fandom tends to -

  • [info]cupidsbow: Slashy Epiphany - It now occurs to me that I've always tended to move on from fandoms after a year or so, and that that might be a factor in never wanting anything but first-time fics. I've been permanently stuck in the "just dating" stage. -
    (tags: fanfic reading)

  • [info]alixtii: Classism and Realism - It seems acceptable to say "I'm not interested in watching a show about working-class characters" in a way it would never be to say "I'm not interested in watching a show about women" or "I'm not interested in watching a show about characters of color." -
    (tags: class fandom)

  • [info]alixtii: Meta: Girlslash OTPs - girlslash isn't as OTP-heavy as m/m. After all, in order to have the sort of intense same-sex relationship which is a staple of the big m/m fandoms, a canon needs to, as a prerequisite, pass the Bechdel test -
    (tags: femslash)

  • [info]rockeandroll: LJ Advisory Board Election - The first part of this post is going to explain how the poll/ballot works, with some comparisons to the Australian preferential system. The second part, less likely to be of interest to others, is my analysis of how well I think it will work. -
    (tags: LJ)

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