metafandom's Journal


4th May 2008

11:48am: Saturday, May 3, 2008

  • [info]morgandawn: Copyright: I can watch what where? (streaming websites and their patchwork of IP deals)Ever wonder which streaming video sites have inked which deals with what content providers? I'll be updating this thread as we go. Feel free to drop a link to any news item that confirms a deal with either music or video content providers.

  • [info]giandujakiss: They caught me! - I got a notice from YouTube: // UMG has claimed some or all audio content in your video Joy to the World.... they will receive public statistics about your video, such as number of views. Viewers may also see advertising on your video's page. -

  • [info]jennem: Oh, Fandom. - YAY. We're going to pretend that Jews are Muggles and Hitler is Grindelwald for the purposes of our role playing game, because that would be a TOTALLY COOL game setting! -
    (tags: religion rpg)

  • [info]chopchica: your repulsive ass, let me show you it - Now that the joy of miscegenation fic has been cruelly yanked away, all they want is to play their Kristallnacht RPG in peace. But no worries, it's all in good fun and so you *totally* shouldn't be offended! -
    (tags: religion rpg)

  • [info]acari: I hate people sometimes. - What the hell is wrong with people? That word is not just a "historical reference", it's people and humiliation and death. It's the synagoge of my hometown being destroyed, the Jewish graveyard being vandalised. -
    (tags: religion rpg)

  • [info]thebratqueen: Having a brain: Ur doing it wrong - You don't have to yank from real life events because the books have done the scutwork on the symbolism and allegory for you. Also? Half the frakking point of JKR's writing is the Dickensian use of names. -
    (tags: religion rpg)

  • [info]wneleh: When you take away the glass - slash or smarm? - [...] referencing Spock's death scene in The Wrath of Khan, he has said that [...] slash is what happens when you take away the glass. I can see the appeal of this as a slash definition, but I think it's an even better way of describing, well, smarm. -

  • [info]xanphibian: untitled - In case you didn't know? It's NOT OKAY to use Kristallnacht as a name or a premise for a game. [...] If you don't know why, or continue to brush it off as having nothing to do with you, do a little MORE RESEARCH and give yourself a fucking history lesson. -
    (tags: religion rpg)

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