metafandom's Journal


27th March 2008

3:32pm: Thursday, March 27, 2008
[info]digitalwave: Art forms and other bugaboos...  - No, my twitchiness came from the ugliness that came out in the comments concerning manipped artwork. // Why is there such a stigma attached to this type of art form?

[info]partly_bouncy: fanthropology: FanLib: One Year Later - In the end, trends indicate that FanLib shall continue to grow as part of the fannish community. They've created a sustainable project, which will be around for many years to come.

yourlibrarian: Sorrt of but not really - Going back to the start of my essay, you'd think again) that in the case of a form of writing that women have supposedly wrested away from men, that there would be something significant in that. However I found it interesting that she overlooks how fanfi
(feminism fanfic)
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