metafandom's Journal


21st March 2008

11:12pm: Friday, March 21, 2008

  • [info]skuf: [META FRIDAY] "Fangirl": Semantic changes? - However, around the same time or shortly after, there seemed to be a movement towards owning up to one's fangirlishness - calling oneself a fangirl of a fanfiction author, for example. From my POV, the term has shifted towards more positive connotations, -
    (tags: fandom)

  • sol_se: Proper videquette? - In that case, would it be acceptable to temporarily upload their old video to share with someone? With full credit to them, obviously. Or, is it never ok to share someone else's video? -
    (tags: vidding)

  • [info]elance: Decentralize me! - I don't think I'm alone when I say that the amount of fanfiction which is *solely* posted to LiveJournal communities and not archived anywhere else worries me. -

  • [info]celandineb: Slash fanfiction - a personal essay - I am a slash writer. As such I find myself having to explain and sometimes defend that, particularly given that the fandom in which I mostly write is Tolkien's. -
    (tags: fanfic slash)

  • [info]sdk: Why I'm Happy My Ships Never Became Canon - I guess what it comes down to is I find no joy in exploring something that's already been explored 'officially.' -
    (tags: shipping)

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