metafandom's Journal


15th March 2008

9:23pm: Saturday, March 15, 2008

  • [info]sherrold: untitled - And in a slight change of topic, people have mentioned more than once that they'd be okay with violent/aggressive/fierce vids, if there was some kind of (non-mandatory) warning. And even with the "non-mandatory" stuck in there, I can see vidders backs sti -

  • [info]anthimaeria: more brooding about writing - Without naming any authors, what qualities do you think distinguish a Grade A author (superb, unforgettable prose) from a Grade B author (competent, decent writing, but otherwise undistinguished)? Is it style? Theme? Language? Plot? Originality? Voice? So -
    (tags: writing)

  • [info]stewardess: Six Apart/SUP Erases Porn, Sex... and Fandom. - I just checked most popular interests, which is updated every 24 hours. The numbers are a lie.//In the summer of 2007, "porn" and "fanfiction" were both over 80,000[...] Now? Both have vanished. Also gone? SEX, which was up there with "movies." -
    (tags: LJ fandom)

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