metafandom's Journal


6th March 2008

8:44am: Wednesday, March 5, 2008

  • [info]prophetic: . . . came to my senses, then I chilled for a bit. - I'm learning all this other stuff, like about real-life Pete Wentz and Mikey Way in internet land, behaving inappropriately, and . . . it just makes me sad. They're just dorks like the rest of us. And their fans are hordes of squealing teen girls.** -
    (tags: bandom)

  • [info]di_br: YouTube says: Bye bye, Di! - But what drives me insane is that I had removed this vid myself a couple of times after it got me removed the first time around, fearing something like this would happen, and YouTube would always re-post it on it's freaking own!!! -

  • [info]giandujakiss: Random remark for nonvidders who are interested in the craft of vidding - When a vidder uses footage taken from a broadcast (rather than ripped from DVD), and the footage includes the station identification bug in the corner, that bug is basically a "tell" for many of these manipulations. The more the vidder manipulates the foo -

  • [info]savageseraph: Slash and Sediment - Which brings me to the word that has caused all this debate: queer. Is slash queer? Are slashers (regardless of sexual orientation) queer? Are straight(ish) fans being disrespectful to their gay fellow fans by self identifying as queer? Should "queer" bec -

2:18pm: Thursday March 6, 2008
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