metafandom's Journal


29th January 2008

1:17am: Monday, January 28th, 2008
6:05pm: Live from InsaneJournal and JournalFen! IT LIVES!
Look under your covers! And behind your doors! Leave no stone unturned! It creeps and leaps and slides into your journal! IT COMES FROM OUTERFANDOM!

Last week it was a revised FAQ, this week IT'S THE WORLD LIVEJOURNAL CLONES!

You asked for it (repeatedly), now you got it. That's right meta fans, the secret's out we fear change we're Invading France we're all naked, yay! we're expanding (and you can't stop us! mwuuahahaha!). We're ecstatic that our soft-opening-still-working-on-the-kinks phase is complete, and can officially announce we're up and running on both InsaneJournal and JournalFen.

Questions, answers, and stuff in between under the cut. Maybe. )
Current Mood: accomplished
10:16pm: Tuesday, January 29, 2008
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