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Once you go green... [17 Dec 2012|04:36pm]

who: Shane & Greer ([info]greengreer)
what: Shannon needs a job. Again.
when: Monday morning, Dec. 17
where: Greer's Greenhouse
warnings: TBD
rating: probably PG? I suck at ratings.
status: in progress

A change in direction was needed. )
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Liquid breakfast of champions...? [17 Dec 2012|01:39pm]

who: Dominic
what: Narrative
when: Monday morning, Dec. 17
where: Hotel Encanto, to begin with
warnings: Dom's a potty mouth? idek
rating: R, at least
status: closed (but I'm willing to turn it into an opener if anyone's interested)

Dom was never a fan of the world's smallest violin. )
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[14 Dec 2012|07:46pm]

who: Blake & Brandon [info]twilightdawn
what: Blake did a bad, bad thing
when: Saturday morning, present time
where: Their apartment
warnings: TBD wait for it. it's never mild with them. May be accidentally hilarious, if your humor is black enough.
rating: TBD although with these two, it's safe to say at the very least R for violence
status: in progress
note: yikes, sorry i forgot to put behind a cut!! *chagrined* also, slight change was made in the timeline leading to this thread. blake now did the deed almost a month ago, not a week.

Blake was nervous. )
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[11 Dec 2012|05:22am]

WHO: Benjen & Trick ([info]paimon)
WHAT: Benjen makes a deal with the devil. Well... with A devil. Demon. Who's counting?
WHERE: Hotel Encanto, Las Cruces
WHEN: Monday evening, Dec. 10
STATUS: Ongoing

Benjen felt incredibly uncomfortable in the highly ornate, Spanish colonial surroundings at the Hotel Encanto )
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[10 Dec 2012|12:53am]

Who: Legion and Frits.
Where: City Streets.
When: December 9th | 11PM
What: Out for a smoke.
Warnings: Legion, probably language.

it was kind of like a demonic hangover. )
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[27 Nov 2012|07:01pm]

WHO Ah-Ni, Laramie, yaoguai and open
WHAT Routine yaoguai removal
WHEN Backdated to Thanksgivingmore like stanksgiving
WHERE Some neighborhood
RATING PG-13 for language and violence
STATUS In progress

I bought nice clothes for this. )
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[22 Nov 2012|11:24am]

Who: Everyone is invited!
What: A Found Family Thanksgiving Dinner
When: Thanksgiving Day, 11/22/12, starting at 11 AM and running to whenever the last guest leaves that evening
Where: Judas's side of the duplex he shares with Alexia & John Thomas
Warnings: None
Rating: Probably no higher than Teen

Happy Turkey Day!Read more... )
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[18 Nov 2012|11:25pm]

Who: Lee
What: a wounded demon shows up asking for help
When: approximately a week ago
Where: undisclosed location followed by a crash landing at Greer's greenhouse
Rating: Audience Discretion is Advised
Status: Complete; Narrative

i don't want to die aloneRead more... )
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[12 Nov 2012|01:04am]

WHO Trick & Kinsley
WHAT Coming Home
WHEN Backdated: A few days before the Halloween Party
WHERE The Hotel Encantato
WARNINGS Language, sex talk, but it fades to black

Trick didn't care what anyone thought as he took his time saying a fond 'welcome home' to his girl. She was all he cared about at the moment. )
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[27 Oct 2012|08:34pm]

who: Shannon and Robert
what: A little vigilante action, for old times' sake
when: Saturday, early afternoon
where: Las Cruces. A corner bodega on the East Side
warnings: Some graphic descriptions of bodily functions and bloody violence
rating: TBD. R at least for violence and language.
status: in progress

Shannon bent his fingers, and three inches of dark claws extended from his fingertips. )
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[25 Oct 2012|06:48pm]

WHO Kinsley & Braden
WHAT Braden makes good on Kins' challenge
WHEN Oct 25 (Thursday) say 11pm?
WHERE The Styx
STATUS In Progress

Count to ten, then come find me. )
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[22 Oct 2012|09:59pm]

WHO Frits and Trick
WHAT Dinner
WHEN Forward to Saturday night
WHERE Hotel Encanto de Las Cruces
RATING PG-13 for language and probably some crude humor
STATUS In progress

Mirga, like Mere cat.  )
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An awkward fit of jealousy [14 Oct 2012|03:57am]

Who: Byron and Sunny
What: Byron's little boy is all grown up. Dammit.
When: Saturday evening.
Where: Their apartment.
Warnings: Probably language, anger, angst, nudity
Rating: R
Status: Unfinished. Closed.

It was so strange, come to think of it, that he had barely seen hide or hair of the boy all day. He'd been too busy to notice, until Sunny made an appearance. And was that a goddamn hickey peeking out from under his shirt collar? )
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Sunbathing, anyone? [14 Oct 2012|12:26am]

WHO: Dominic & OTA
WHAT: Lazy Sunday randomness
WHERE: A local park
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
STATUS: Ongoing

It felt stupid for him to be sunbathing with clothes on. But catching a tan in the nude in the middle of a public park might still be something that was frowned upon by some )
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[11 Oct 2012|04:58pm]

Who: Brandon and Binh.
What: Brandon is tracking, Binh is wasting time.
When: October 10, 2012; 4:15pm.
Where: The Mall.
Warnings: Language, possibly.
Rating: Low?
Status: Ongoing.

Did you see where she went? )
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[06 Oct 2012|09:06pm]

Who: Paimon & Raziel & Dr. Rudolph Greer
What: an angel is injured and Trick meets a human doctor who he can't quite leave behind
When: severely backdated, summer of 1912
Where: a farmhouse
Rating: Audience Discretion is Advised; violence, threats of demonic violence, blood, etc
Status: Ongoing

drunken idiocy isn't limited to humanity; even demons and angels get their turn with itRead more... )
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