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Merry Smutmas, [info]kaleidoskope! [17 Dec 2007|12:00am]

To: [info]kaleidoskope
From: [info]kangeiko

Images removed at artist's request.
43 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]tarie! [17 Dec 2007|08:00am]

To: [info]tarie
From: [info]midnitemarauder

Title: Rise From the Ashes
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Teddy/Cedric (Cedric/Roger Davies, reference to Cedric/Cho)
Disclaimer: Property of JK Rowling and Co. I merely play for no profit whatsoever.
Summary: Muggles have an old saying: "Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it." Teddy never quite grasped the meaning, until he made a wish of his own.
Warnings: Under 17s engaging in sexual relations.
Author's notes: Merry Smutmas, Tarie! You asked for "a little bit of plot", and by that standard, I went a teeny *cough* bit overboard, but this pairing jumped out at me right from the start and I couldn't resist. Much love and gratitude to my betas for their advice and encouragement. Titles nicked from Vienna Teng's "Eric's Song".

( Rise From the Ashes )
140 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]furiosity! [17 Dec 2007|04:00pm]

To: [info]furiosity
From: [info]empathic_siren

Title: Elegy for Vincent Crabbe: Dance Suite in Five Movements for Viola and Marimba
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Disclaimer: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, and all associated characters from the Harry Potter universe are the property of J.K. Rowling and those to whom she has licensed her creations, including without limitation Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: "But he would have kept on trying to kill you. He wouldn't have been anything more than who he was at that moment. You can't possibly believe that everyone is redeemable."

Harry shrugged, as much as he could while lying on his side. "Some aren't," he said. He reached out again and let the tips of his fingers trail down Draco's cheek. "But most are."

A/N: Merry Smutmas, Furiosity. I hope this brings you wonderful holiday cheer. Much thanks to my stellar betas, S, E, and K, your guidance and assistance proved invaluable (per usual).

The structure of this work is based on a bastardised dance suite, cobbled together from the Renaissance, Baroque and Classical dance forms, with a few things borrowed in between. The dances and style cues are explained in parentheticals at the beginning of each dance. There are five altogether, taking place over the course of nearly twenty years.

Elegy for Vincent Crabbe: Dance Suite in Five Movements for Viola and Marimba  )
129 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

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