Merlin Icontest - 25th January 2010

immortalje posting in Merlin Icontest
magic user: [info]merlin_icontest (posted by [info]immortalje)
date: 2010-01-25 20:18
case: MOD Post + Results Challenge 7
confidentiality: Public
tags:!mod, !results, challenge 07


To begin with... lately I've been feeling rather uninspired about this icontest (uni stress, not having seen season 2, lack of entries) as such I've decided to close [info]merlin_icontest down until I either manage to actually watch season 2 or someone wants to step in (temporarily (undefined), permanently).

I really didn't want to do that, but I dare say that it's become very obvious that I'm way too absent to really run this icontest.

Thanks to anybody who ever entered and/or voted. It's been a blast and hopefully it eventually will be again and this closing down is only temporarily.


Since only one person entered Challenge 7, there will only be a Mod's Choice:

by [info]kabal42

other icons entered:

3 have done magic | save arthur | memorize | Tell a Friend | link
