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[21 Jun 2008|12:26am]
Who: Rufus and Charlie
What: Post Prom catch up
When: Friday night, the week after prom
Where: Charlie's house
Rating/Warnings: PG to be safe.

In the midst of the excitement over Vicky's news, Charlie really hadn't had a chance to process her own evening at prom. She supposed that was part of her charm, able to throw herself into other people's lives but not so much living in her own as much as she should.

Anyway, in the interest of reliving and rehashing her prom experience, she had invited Rufus over for dinner and a DVD, and had actually managed to pawn Micah off on Noah, so she was free to talk to Rufus without either of her brothers getting in the way.

Selecting a handful of Disney movies for Rufus to pick from, she laid the cases on the coffee table and focused on the meal she was preparing. Since the idea wasn't so much to focus on the movie, but more to have it as background noise, she had chosen mostly classics that she knew they'd both seen before.

And dinner. Dinner was slightly more impressive than the sandwiches she'd made the first time she'd had Rufus over, she'd opted for Mexican food and put together make-your-own tortillas. She laid out the plates of various salads, the cheese and the chicken, and waited for Rufus to arrive. She wasn't nervous, not in the slightest! They'd had a great night, after all.
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