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Memento Vivere; Remember to Live

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[06 Oct 2008|07:19pm]
Who: Theodore Nott and Terry Boot
When: October 5/October 6th, evening/morning
Where: The Nott Estates
Rating: PG/PG-13
Status: Incomplete/Closed
Summary: Theo finds Terry asleep after a long day of work on the portrait.

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[20 Sep 2008|07:24pm]
Who: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley
When: Saturday, September 20, 2002, evening
Where: Grimmauld Place
Rating: ?
Status: Incomplete, Closed
Summary: Harry returns from Canada determined to make things work.

It had been the sweat lodge mostly, that changed his mind. )
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[14 Sep 2008|09:43pm]
Who: Theodore Nott with appearances by Terry Boot and Draco Malfoy
When: Saturday, September 13, 2002, afternoon
Where: The Nott Estates
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: The funeral for Theo's father.

Theodore stared at his father. He'd been avoiding looking at him since the casket had arrived this morning, the Ministry had only released Thaddeus' body to the funeral home late last night. They'd done a good job, he supposed. His father looked as if he were simply taking a nap in an unusual spot. To be completely honest they had done too good a job, Theodore didn't know if he could bury a man who looked this alive.

With a sigh he pulled his wand from the dark funeral attire he wore, he'd just take off a few of the glamours cast on the body. He doubted his father would have appreciated having rosy cheeks while in his coffin. Raising his wand he cast Scarpin's Revelaspell to show which glamours had been used so he could remove them.

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[08 Sep 2008|01:04pm]

Who: Neville and Luna
Where: The Herbery, Diagon Alley
When: September 8, sometime during the day
Rating: PG-13
Status: Incomplete, Closed (well... if anyone else felt like wandering in, I see no reason why they shouldn't be able to)
Summary: Luna visits The Herbery, where omg! Neville works!

The Honking Daffodils just wouldn't stop honking )
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[06 Sep 2008|05:48pm]

Who: Alicia and Oliver
Where: Mungos
When: September 6,
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete, Closed
Summary: Alicia visits Oliver because he told her too that's what friends do and because he got her a gift.

Round Two )
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[06 Sep 2008|04:01pm]
Who: Ron and Harry
When: Friday Night, late (before Molly's Howler)
Where: The Hog's Head
Rating: PG-13ish
Summary: Harry goes to get Ron, and make sure he knows what a prat he is.
Status: Closed/Incomplete

I'm NOT going to kill him...probably )
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Owl to George Weasley [06 Sep 2008|02:16pm]

Sorry for being an idiot. Forgive me?

(Attached is a box of Honeydukes' fudge, and a bottle of really fancy firewhiskey)

PS - I'll be at the Burrow for dinner tonight if you want to see Mum yell at me.
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HOWLER TO RON WEASLEY [05 Sep 2008|09:44pm]

who else would send a howler but Molly Weasley? )
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[04 Sep 2008|09:55pm]

Who: Alicia and George
Where: Her flat
When: September 4, dinner time
Rating: PG-13
Status: Incomplete, Closed
Summary: George needs an ear... metaphorically.

Drunk. )
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[03 Sep 2008|08:13pm]

Who: Ron and George
Where: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
When: September 4, lunch time
Rating: PG-13
Status: Incomplete, Closed
Summary: Ron and George have a planned lunch together

If it was my choice, this would be dirtier )
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[03 Sep 2008|12:50pm]

Who: Ron and Terry
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
When: Today, September 3, lunch time
Rating: NC-17, in case they start shagging in public
Status: Incomplete
Summary: Ron and Terry have an impromptu lunch together

Sorry, Kreacher, Ron's not eating your lunch today )
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[01 Sep 2008|10:26pm]
Who: Draco Malfoy and Morag McDougal
When: September 1, 2002, evening
Where: Malfoy Manor
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete/Closed
Summary: A visit that serves several purposes.

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[01 Sep 2008|02:29pm]

Who: George and Alicia
Where: WWW
When: September 1, 2002
Rating: PG-12 in case George Alicia swears.
Status: Complete
Summary: Alicia pops in for a visit.

George was wiping off the back counter... )
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RP: About that Portrait... [01 Sep 2008|09:33am]

Who: Terry Boot, Theodore Nott
When: Sept 1, 2002, after lunch
Where: Nott Manor
Rating: PG-PG-13
Summary: Terry goes to inspect this cursed portrait. And gets a little more than he bargained for.
Status: Closed // Incomplete

A new case...brilliant! )
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[31 Aug 2008|09:01pm]
WHO: Ron and Harry
WHERE: Grimmauld Place
WHEN: Night before the Cup (Aug 29, Friday)
RATING: PG-13ish
STATUS: Thread / Complete / Closed
SUMMARY: Harry tries to sober up Ron, and keep him from being murdered by Molly Weasley

Harry was concerned...for the furniture. )
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[31 Aug 2008|02:06pm]

Who: Hermione and Harry
What: Hermione's checking on him (bringing gifts)
Where: Grimmauld Place
When: Just after he got out of Mungo's
Rating: PGish?
Status: In Progress and closed unless Ron wants to come in and make it awkward

Hermione had been feeling guilty ever since she had found out that Harry had been released from the hospital. The urge to rant at her employers for not giving her a spare moment to check on her friend a mere few floors up was overwhelming, and the anger was quite unusual for her. Instead she had switched shifts with a fellow intern, and taken Sunday off so she could visit her recovering friend. After waking up and quickly getting ready, she apparated as close to Grimmauld Place as she could, and quickly covered the rest of the distance. When she reached the door, she knocked loudly, hoping that Harry was already awake.
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[31 Aug 2008|02:02pm]

Who: Hermione and Ron
What: Having dinner after many weeks of...well not
Where: Hermione and Ginny's house
When: Before the cup
Rating: PG13ish
Status: Closed and FINISHED

Hermione had spent the last couple weeks wondering where Ron had been and what the status on their relationship was. Next thing she knew, there was Pig at her window, eager to deliver a letter from her so-called boyfriend. He apologised profusely, saying he had just gotten caught up in things, as he was sure she had too. She had rolled her eyes, and sent off a reply inviting him over for dinner at her home, knowing Ginny would be too busy with the team to interrupt. She was just putting the last touches on the main course when she heard the doorbell ring in the foyer.
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Narrative Thread [30 Aug 2008|10:00am]

Who: Everyone, the World Cup
Where: Isle of Elafonisos, Greece; 10am
When: August 30, 2002
Rating: TBA, any NC-17 should go in its own thread though
Status: Thread / Incomplete
Summary: The 2002 World Cup
Notes: If your characters attends the cup they can be a part of this thread - keep in mind the final score of 310 - 290 in favor of England but other than that, have fun!

The 2002 Quidditch World Cup )
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[29 Aug 2008|06:18pm]

[ music | Error Operator : Taking Back Sunday ]

Who: Oliver
What: Restrospection, and reading the journal.
Where: St. Mungo's
When: August 29, evening
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

We can't go back. )

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[30 Aug 2008|08:26pm]

WHO: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley
WHERE: A private beach on the Isle of Elafonisos, Greece; 1am
WHEN: August 31, 2002
STATUS: Thread / Incomplete
SUMMARY: England wins, and that means celebrating at the afterparty hosted by the British and Irish Quidditch League. And a fight.

read more )
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