M E M E B E L L S 2.0 - January 17th, 2013

User: [info]memebells (posted by [info]memesheep)
Date: 2013-01-17 16:10
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Extended Edition!

Six different possible scenarios with multiple choices or you can just throw it all out the door and come up with your own! Perfect if you're wanting to play but really want a prompt.

How it works:
1. - Post as your character with Name | Series | Preference (in case of smut or if you would like to skip that option). You can choose the scene and prompt yourself or leave it for others to decide.
2. - Others respond to your prompt or after going to RNG and entering numbers 1-6 for a scene type and then numbers 1-20 for a prompt
3. - Respond and play it out!
4. - Play nice though. If someone doesn't want to play something out, respect their wishes.

Click me for meme!><font color= )

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