M E M E B E L L S 2.0 - April 10th, 2012

User: [info]memebells (posted by [info]icanhasmeme)
Date: 2012-04-10 23:38
Subject: Now You're Dead Meme
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] nc17, [rated] pg13, [rated] r, [type] choices, [type] crack, [type] dark, [type] fluff, [type] horror, [type] humor, [type] serious, [warning] possible triggers

Hey. Guess what? You're dead. Yup. That's right. You've kicked the bucket. Ceased to be. Curled up your tootsies and shuffled off this mortal coil. Go find Casper and give him a bitchsmack for me.

Post with your character name/fandom/options.

Use RNG to pick your scenario.

Tag others for lots of happy-dead funtimez.

1. Dead but don't know it yet - You're dead. Technically. In all senses of the word, but your sheer stubbornness is refusing to let you move on. Does someone need to spell it out for you?

2. Trapped in your own body - Dead and you know it, only you don't seem to have gone anywhere. You're trapped in your own body as the people around you deal with it. Are you at the morgue? Is it just after you died and you can see the horrified stares? Are you in a coffin or being shoved in an incinerator? Either way, there's a huge lump of no-envy here for you.

3. Incorporeal - Well, you're out of your body, at least. But you're a shadow of your former self. Congratulations, you're a ghost. The question is, now what're you going to do? Haunt your friends? Spy on the hotties? The possibilities are endless.

4. Moved on - You've shuffled off the mortal coil and are headed for your final destination. Question is, where the hell are you going? Up? Down? Sideways? Reincarnation? You're finally going to find out what's beyond that final curtain.

Shamelessly stolen from Memebells @ LJ

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