M E M E B E L L S 2.0 - January 13th, 2012

User: [info]memebells (posted by [info]omggirlonthenet)
Date: 2012-01-13 20:23
Subject: Good Ending/Bad Ending meme
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] nc17, [rated] pg-13, [rated] r, [type] choices, [type] crack, [type] dark, [type] fluff, [type] memories, [type] serious, [warning] possible triggers

Do you get a happily ever after? Or a 'Rocks fall, everyone dies'? Why not both?

* Post your characters and set up two scenes. One with an ideal setting (They got what they always wanted, hit it big, became rich and famous, etc.) and one with a bad twist of events (They're homeless, everyone hates them, maybe they're even dying!).
* Others respond to one of the two settings (Or both in different comments, if they want!)
* Respond.
* ???
* Profit!!!

Just remember: no ending is set in stone, good endings can turn sour, and bad endings can be made better. Just see where it takes you and enjoy the ride!

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