M E M E B E L L S 2.0 - January 11th, 2012

User: [info]memebells (posted by [info]mememaker)
Date: 2012-01-11 17:15
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] nc17, [rated] pg, [rated] pg-13, [rated] pg13, [rated] r, [type] age related, [type] awkward, [type] characterization, [type] choices, [type] confession, [type] crack, [type] dark, [type] fluff, [type] hate, [type] horror, [type] humor, [type] love, [type] memories, [type] romance, [type] secrets, [type] serious, [type] sex, [type] shipping, [type] trust, [warning] possible triggers


By request, another genderbent meme! In this one, your character has always been the opposite gender and it's nothing unusual at all.

- Post your character's name/series/preferences in the subject line. At least include a description or a picture of what they'd look like as the opposite gender!
- Others go to RNG and roll numbers 1-4 for a scene type and then 1-10 for a prompt.
- Have fun!

cut for length/possible triggers )

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