
21st August 2008


Welcome Post

A home for my fanfiction.

Mostly Hermione/Severus, but there are some Snape centric drabbles here as well. Please follow the links below.

All characters from the Harry Potter universe belong to JK Rowling. I make no money from my dabbling; no infringement of any copyright is intended.


21st August 2008


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I hate the MLC. Really. With a passion, and this is why. Whenever I've read one, the evil plot bunnies come out to play, and I end up imagining all sorts of horrible scenarios. Below is one such outcome - something I wrote on LJ and promptly forgot about (perhaps for the best, actually), but anyway it's reposted her for what it's worth.

Rated: M
MLC, so non-con.
Summary: A widow at forty, Hermione ponders her life thus far.

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