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[29 Jan 2018|10:28am]
I meant to do this before, but when the husband has only one day off, I tend to not touch my computer that day.

Anyway! Here's my last one for a while. Meet Deacon Michael King, first born to Mikey Perna and [info]ameliabeth's big brother. He's a protective ass that's coming out of a dark place (his old lady and daughter were killed in 2016). He's the head of security at Curves and (pending Skit's approval) runs the underground fights. He also teaches sometimes at Midland Gym and has been thinking about buying it.

As far as lines, the only thing set is Amelia. He's a Midland Reaper, and I'm drawing a complete blank on what else to say. So! Who's willing to help me out and give him some lines?

[ viewing | January 29th, 2018 ]
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